What interest do we have in turning “oil and gas” from the pockets of Erbil thieves into pockets of thieves in Baghdad?

On the decision of the federal government to hand over the entire oil and gas production in
Kurdistan to Baghdad
The Iraqi Federal Court issued a decision (invalidating the oil and gas law in Kurdistan) which means obliging the Kurdistan region to hand over oil and gas to the government in Baghdad. The said decision of the Federal Court is not an administrative, technical or legal decision or related to correcting an “injustice”, but rather a purely political decision, as this decision cannot be separated from the entire political process today, the conflicts of its parties, pulls, pulling and all sides, especially at this particular time, that is, after the elections, the formation of the government, etc.
All parties defending the Federal Court’s decision now had made agreements with the territorial government on oil and gas when they were in power. Maliki, Abadi and finally Kazemi himself did so with the consent of all other parties in order to consolidate their power and rule and thus obtain as much of their share of corruption and looting as possible.
The appearance of this issue today is for specific political purposes, the first of which is the movement of currents objecting to their current status and the policies of marginalization to strike the tripartite alliance (Sadr-Barzani-Halbusi) and create a rift in it, and therefore, put forth as much pressure as possible on the Sadrist movement to abandon the rollout of a “Majority Government” and return to a “Consensual Coalition Government”, which would mean giving them room for power and the next government. On the other hand, by spreading this issue and before that the issue of the presidency of the government, they seek to turn away the attention of the people from their hunger, poverty, unemployment, lack of services and other basic and urgent demands and struggles.
The exhilaration by many corrupt nationalist and Islamic forces, which flooded the people of Iraq with poverty, want, insecurity and services, for this decision and describing it as a “historic” decision, that was widely welcomed by large segments of the people, which is not true, is nothing more than spreading the nationalism and patriotism illusions passed and fuelled by the ruling political currents insincerely and falsely as a defence of the interests and rights of the people in Iraq.
Oil and gas belong to the people of Iraq from south to north, and they must unite to get rid of the power of the nationalist, religious and sectarian bourgeois parties ruling in Iraq and Kurdistan and liberate society from them and their corruption.
The wealth of society in Iraq and Kurdistan should be returned to their real owners, to the millions of people and to their elected and direct representatives and all this enormous wealth should be transformed into well-being, services, equality and economic and social security, and thus, the salvation of society from its myriad misfortunes and tragedies caused by this ruling authority in Iraq and Kurdistan.
Iraqi Workers’ Communist Party
19th of February 2022