About Taliban’s Regaining Control Over Afghanistan

After two decades of the American occupation of Afghanistan, the American administration decided to withdraw its forces from Afghanistan. America’s withdrawal ended the bloodiest era of its history in this country which was destroyed by civil wars and occupation by both the Soviet Union in the last century and America and its allies over the past two decades. This withdrawal threw the entire country into the hands of the most brutal organization in human history. It further demonstrated to the world, for the thousandth time, that America’s claims that its wars are for “human rights, freedoms, democracy, and the opportunity to enjoy ones country’s wealth,” are nothing but brazen and ugly lies.
In addition to the killing and destruction, the Taliban closed girls’ schools, deprived millions of girls from completing their education, forbade women from leaving their houses unless accompanied by a “Muharram,” a male family figure, and imposed the most regressive laws from the first day. The escape of millions of destitute and sick Afghans to neighboring countries’ borders, such as Pakistan and Iran, that faced them with closed doors, is saddening and infuriating at the same time. The United States of America and its NATO allies, in order to achieve its strategy of hegemony over the world through, first, “the war on communism,” with the cold war, and later through the “War on terror,” it directly prepared the grounds for the social destruction, economic decline, and the spread of political instability in Afghanistan. This was done by strengthening the terrorist groups.
What Afghanistan has arrived to today by the habilitation and return of Taliban’s movement to the political scene, the establishment of a debilitated country at all levels, and the absence of all aspects of human life is part of the United States’ policy that changed due to the changes in its priorities and strategies at the global level.
The American occupation of Afghanistan has expanded the country’s destitution, corruption, the affliction of Islamic terrorist groups, and the lack of security and freedoms since the last century. Only this time, it added to the chaos, by withdrawing its forces, another episode of humanitarian disasters and allowed for the return of the most criminal Islamic group.
Contrary to the claims of the ruling class in Washington DC and its propaganda, The United States’ withdrawal plan from Afghanistan has no relation to the fact that the occupation “achieved its goals” and successfully eliminated terrorism and Al- Qaida and to see the world far from terrorism. Furthermore, the US withdrawal from Afghanistan is related to its strategy of deterring Russia and China and the latter’s growing supremacy.
On the other hand, returning the Taliban to political power will bring life to political Islam and its terrorism worldwide. Humanity will witness a new chapter of terrorism, freedoms’ deprivation, oppression of women and the spread of the most rotten, reactionary and inhumane ideas, as was the case with the emergence of ISIS and the announcement of its criminal state in Syria and Iraq.
The civilized mankind is speaking the truth today: eliminating terrorism has not and will not be a priority for the United States of America, but rather most of it was created by the US in the first place. The spread of terrorism in the world has been done and is ongoing through the American military occupation of countries or by bloody coups of its allies in the world. It also proves, many times, that any part of the world the US sets a foot on ends up destroyed.
The Worker Communist Party of Iraq (WCPI), while condemning all American policies in Afghanistan, it points the political and moral responsibility to the United States as the occupying force for the current state of affairs in Afghanistan. WCPI calls on the liberation forces to pressure their governments in order to start practicing a practical policy that works to reduce Taliban’s attack on human freedoms and the rights of women and children in Afghanistan.
The Worker Communist Party of Iraq
August 15th , 2021